MetaMinting - Staking Profits Up to 200%
Deflationary Token Minting - Debut of A Unique Deflationary Model
DAC - Empowering Web3 Community with Full Force

The Leading Platform for
Building the Web3 Affiliate Community

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Incubated by
MetaHub is the leading platform for building the Web3 Affiliate Community. By blending the powerful synergy of the Quest Portal with the Affiliate Hub, this Decentralized Affiliate Consuming (DAC) platform promotes robust interaction between Builders and the broader Community.
A service platform that facilitates the initiation, execution, and automatic rewarding of quests. Within the Portal, there are three primary quest categories: Social Quest, Custom Quest, and Checkpoint Quest
A system designed to manage and expand the Web3 Affiliate Community, aiming to enhance its size and quality. Furthermore, it provides Affiliators the opportunity to generate passive income from their own communities within MetaHub
Create a vibrant, cohesive community and exclusive features.
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Building a Deflated Token Minting model based on the form of distributed staking.
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NFT Marketplace
Provide a platform for users to buy, sell and trade NFT easily.
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Support new projects or NFT holders in fundraising through token/NFT selling.
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Venture Builder
Ready to accompany potential partners to bring good projects to users.
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Features & News
Core Team
James Ross Croyle
Chief Executive Officer
Former Partner Leader and
Web3 Builder at Microsoft APAC
Udesh Dayarathna
Technical Advisor
Cloud Solution Architect at
Gabriel Žanko Mendoza
Strategy & Fundraising Advisor
CEO & Founder of LIFE3 &
Urano Kapital
K. Abhi
Strategic Advisor
Managing Partner at Syzygy Capital
Kenvin Kuo
Strategic Advisor
Former Contract Specialist of
JobTribes, DEA Inc
Gloria Ma
Strategic Advisor
General Partner at Yves Capital
Nathaniel Rondon
Marketing Advisor
Ambassador at Binance
Cathal Donnellan
Fundraising Advisor
CEO at Thunderbird Finance
CEO at SnapEx
LLM and Generative AI Applications for Web3 data analysis enhancement.
Global Payment Solution Integration with CaaS.
Web3 Project Hub for storing and analyzing Web3 projects, empowering informed investment decisions and revenue generation opportunities.
Digital Transformation Toolkit to support individuals and businesses in their Web3 transformation journey.
Strategic Partnership Network across the Generative AI and Web3 domains.
A Leading Web3 Affiliate Community.
2024: Eco-Grow
Launch of P2P Decentralized Exchange.
Multi-chain Integration.
Launch of MetaHub Debit Crypto Card by Mastercard.
Token Listing
Gamification Platform Integration.
Multi-Ecosystem Integration.
Partnership establishment with Trending projects.
Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs) expansion.
Q4/2023: Launching
NFT Pass Offering (NPO).
Concentrated Liquidity System (CLS).
Decentralized Affiliate Consuming platform ( DAC).
Provide APIs and SDKs for integration with third-party applications & services.
Partnership program with vendors and builders.
Q3/2023: Launching
Community event.
Strategic Partnership.
Opening of Affiliate Hub Registration.
AI ChatBot.
Q2/2023: Testing
Running product tests..
Optimizing and developing technology.
Setting up the operations team.
Go-to-market strategy.
Q2/2022-Q1/2023: Building
Researching and idea generating.
Building technology development team.
Designing ecosystem architecture and preparing infrastructure.
Developing technical solutions and testing.
Conducting internal testing and troubleshooting.

Disclaimer Notice - Website Information:

The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as financial, investment, or legal advice. The content presented here is subject to change without notice.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the completeness, reliability, or suitability of the content for any specific purpose. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.

Please note that MetaHub involves cryptocurrencies and NFTs, which are highly volatile and speculative assets. The statements, projections, and milestones mentioned on this website are preliminary and may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.

We strongly advise you to conduct your own thorough research and analysis before making any financial decisions or engaging in activities related to MetaHub. It is crucial to consider your individual financial situation and consult with appropriate professionals if needed.

By accessing and using this website, you agree that MetaHub, its team members, and affiliates shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages or losses incurred as a result of your reliance on the information presented herein.

Please exercise caution, use your own judgment, and make informed decisions when engaging with MetaHub and the associated cryptocurrencies and NFTs.